Ayurvedic & Spiritual Services

We offer a variety of holistic modalities and personal consultation options to choose from!


Chat Consults

Want a quick 1-3 question reading? 
Don't have the privacy to talk over the phone or meet in person?
Simply prefer text to other methods of communication?  

Include your email address at the start of your consult so Azriel can share any additional details with you if the time expires on the chat.   We appreciate that you work hard for your money and we want to ensure you receive the same quality and quantity of information via text as you would in our other options!

Your information will NOT be utilized for marketing.


Email Consults

This luxury option has only been available to our clients of 5+ years.  We are excited to announce that it will soon be available to all of our clients!

Q : What's so great about this option?

A : Email consults require no scheduling!  Simply purchase the consultation, compose and send your email, and Azriel will respond within 24 hours!  Additionally, you are rewarded for your patience!  These consults follow a different rate outline than in-person, phone, and text sessions, as they afford a measure of flexibility in Azriel's work and personal schedules.

A message from Azriel :
To my cherished clients of five years and longer, your current rate and question limit are locked-in for life.  Thank you for your loyalty and support!  They mean more to me than you will ever know.  THANK YOU!